Have cone, go have sex with a French person."Ĩ: On how well he speaks French: "If nothing else my coffee ordering skills are fucking impeccable."ĩ: On someone who wrote "Paris blows" on his Facebook wall: "What does it say about a person that they could come to this city and spend any amount of time, no matter how miserable their experience, no matter how many things went wrong, and come away thinking that? It's like saying music sucks, or sex is completely overrated."ġ0: On what's different about Paris since "the old days": "In the old days we didn't know. You should walk past it, quickly get a photograph of yourself in front of Notre Dame. Luxury in Paris? They still got that."ħ On whether you should climb the stairs of Notre Dame: "No.

The kind of thing that tends to pigeonhole a culture, make you think it's all luxury and sodomy."Ĥ: On what is changing in Paris' food scene: "You can still get a lot of the good old stuff, it's just a lot of the bullshit seems to have gone the way of the wooly mammoth."ĥ: On another place Paris might kind of sort of maybe like: "The food scene is Paris today in some ways feels way more like Brooklyn: independent and surprisingly casual."Ħ: On Parisian hotels: "Here's the thing about hotels in Paris: you can go the Henry Miller route and wallow romantically in squalor, or live it up big time.

Now, on to the Quotable Bourdain - feel free to add your picks in the comments below.ġ: On why people have a bad time in Paris: "The vacation gone wrong in Paris is almost always because people try to do too many things."Ģ: On how to have a good time in Paris: "Okay: go to Paris, check into a nice hotel, and my plan is I'm going to eat some fucking cheese and I'm gonna get drunk."ģ: On France's culinary heritage: "They suffer from the burden of a tradition of fabulously oozing cheeses, rich sauces, historic wines. Also he discovers cupcakes from a food truck. He ended up drinking a bunch of wine, eating lots of bread, wandering around, and having an unfortunate (and somewhat lengthy?) run-in with a mime. On last night's episode of The Layover, he attempted to show what to do (eat, drink, hang out) and what not to do (go to any tourist attraction that has a line) in order to have a good trip. Anthony Bourdain is concerned that people have a bad time when they go to Paris.